Our Registry

Traditional Registries

    We've finally registered! We are registered at REI, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and Target.

Charitable Donations

    In lieu of gifts, we invite interested guests to make donations to organizations that have touched our lives. As you may know, we both love our alma mater, Virginia Tech, and in particular the Virginia Tech classics department (and the Ancient Greek course that brought us together!). Donations can be made through the Virginia Tech Foundation, with the Classical Studies Program designated as the goal of the donation.
    Also very important to us is the newest addition to our home, our wonderful dog Clio. Clio was found wandering one of the Outer Banks islands, tagless and foraging for food. Eventually she found her way to German Shepherd Rescue, where we met her and fell in love. If you would like to join us in supporting animal rescue groups, we invite you to make a donation to German Shepherd Rescue or to the Animal Protection Society of Durham.